What types of information and exercises are contained on the CD's?
There are several different approaches on the two CD’s that will help you recapture your natural ability to sleep. As you listen each night, you will learn the approach that works best for you.
consists of a series of exercises that progress from the most simple to those that use your power to imagine. Listen to CD I for a number of nights in order to develop the relaxation skills that are necessary for sleep. Stress is an everyday fact of life - however, stress creates anxiety-provoking thoughts, as well as physiological changes in your body, that interfere with your natural ability to sleep. The exercises on CD I will help you develop your relaxation response, to return your mind and body to a natural, balanced state.
After you have learned the relaxation skills on CD I, further develop your ability to sleep well naturally on CD II through a variety of exercises that will harness your ability to imagine. Your power to imagine and visualize will reduce your stress and allow you to re-learn your natural ability to sleep.
CD I – Necessary First Steps To Sleeping Well Tonight
1. Introduction and Helpful Hints For Sleeping
Learn how simple changes in your daytime behavior will help you sleep better at night.
2. Give Your Body O2 – A Necessary Step
Learn how to breathe in a way that is best for sleeping. Few of us take the full, deep breaths that we need to counter stress naturally. Learn how the right kind of deep breathing is something you can do anyplace, any time – whenever you want to relax. And, it is the first step to preparing for sleep.
3. Let Go Of Muscular Tension
Stressful thoughts create muscular tension - making it difficult to achieve the relaxation that you need to sleep. Physically relax your muscles through a simple, systematic exercise in which you will learn how to “let go” of muscular tension. This exercise is the best first step to relaxation because it does not require any imagination, will-power or suggestion. In addition to helping you relax to prepare for sleep, this exercise will help you become aware of what muscles may be chronically tense – so you can focus on relaxing them during the day.
CDII – Harness Your Power To Imagine
1. Deep Relaxation Through Imagination
Learn a time proven technique of systematically relaxing different muscle groups by using your power to imagine. After listening to this exercise over time, you will be able to create a sense of relaxation whenever you choose.
2. Focus Your Attention To “Let Go”
Learn how to focus your attention and use your imagination - to "turn off" worries and concerns.
3. “Wind Down” To Prepare For Sleep
Learn how to use your imagination to give yourself the necessary “down time” that you need in order to mentally and physically prepare for sleep.
4. Float Your Responsibilities Away
Learn how to put your responsibilities to rest until the following day.
5. You Already Have All That You Need
Tap into your inner strengths.
At night, when you are in bed, listen to the first CD for several evenings or weeks. If you are still awake when you finish the first CD, listen to the second. As you gain experience with the exercises you may want to skip particular tracks and begin with later exercises.