What do I need to do?
Once your CD’s arrive, all you need to do, is listen. Don’t try to do a thing! After listening to the exercises over time, you will learn to create the same feelings - on your own – whenever you choose.
Keep in mind that passive concentration is important. Passive concentration means to remove all expectations and accept whatever physical, mental and emotional response you have – knowing that whatever you experience is fine and acceptable to the situation. Taking this one step further, you may now stop trying to sleep each night – the only thing you need to do, once your CD’s arrive, is to lie down – and listen. Draw a blank slate in your mind and simply see what happens.
At night, when you are in bed, listen to the first CD for several evenings or weeks. If you are still awake when you finish the first CD, listen to the second. As you gain experience listening to , you may want to skip earlier tracks and begin with later exercises. Try listening to the CD's with an ear plug or ear phones that you can comfortably fall asleep with.